Paul W. and Tara J. Elliott Leadership Endowed Scholarship

The purpose of this scholarship is to assist fulltime students who are attending the Troy University campus in Troy, AL. The recipient must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.8. The recipient will be selected by a committee composed of members of the Troy university Scholarship Committee and the Office of Development. Applicants must show proof of leadership and community service through two recommendations. Applicants must write a 500-word essay on Leadership by providing an example of a leader in their life and how that leader has been important to them. Recipients are required to write a thank you letter to the donor and must attend the scholarship donor and recipient reception held each March.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Please request 2 letters of recommendation to provide proof of Community Service and Leadership
  2. Please upload proof of Community Service hours
  3. Please submit a 500- word essay on Leadership by providing an example of a lead in your life and they have been important to you.
  4. Please request two letters of recommendation from a non-family member, former teacher, activity sponsor, employer, etc.. You should notify this individual to expect an email from us. You are responsible for ensuring your reference provider completes this request.